
FRENCH – JAPANESE – ENGLISH/ Français – Japonais – Anglais

All books are available on Amazon or directly on the website (ebook – pdf format)

Explore our textbooks, each uniquely crafted to offer distinct advantages. From cultural insights to practical day-to-day vocabulary, and a progressive approach centered on user language production, we provide a comprehensive learning experience. Step into a world where education is not just about knowledge but also about real-world application and cultural understanding.

Survival French: Travel preparation (available on Amazon)

“Survival French – travel preparation” by Bonjour Tristan is a comprehensive guide designed to equip travelers with essential French language skills for a seamless and enjoyable journey in France. Focused on travel preparation and survival scenarios, it covers practical vocabulary, key phrases, and cultural insights. From navigating transportation and accommodations to engaging in basic conversations, this text book ensures readers are well-prepared to communicate and navigate various situations during their French travel experience. A must-have companion for anyone seeking a confident and enriching journey in France!

Apprendre le Japonais pratique: Le Japonais pour se débrouiller au quotidien sur l’archipel (French Edition Amazon.com)

Un manuel de Japonais un peu spécial puisqu’il se concentre sur le japonais pratique, fonctionnel plutôt que sur l’apprentissage détaillé de la langue. Idéal pour les touristes préparant leur voyage, les expatriés devant vivre sur place ou les étudiants curieux d’apprendre un japonais du quotidien, plus “réel” que dans leurs cours de langue. En bref: Le Japonais pour se débrouiller au quotidien sur l’archipel.

French Practice Textbook: Self study; test preparation; improve grammar and vocabulary (French studies) (Ebook link/ Amazon link)

French Practice Textbook, a ton of exercises, grammar explanation and corrections included.
Ideal for those who wants to refresh their French, complete your classes, prepare a test or self study.

More to come for advanced learner and French natives (Test; bac; français administratif etc…).