Use of near future and near past
As their names suggest, near future and near past are used to describe an action that is close in time to the present moment.
Je viens d’acheter une maison. (I just bought a house.)
Je vais aller aux toilettes après la leçon. (I’m going to go to the bathroom after the lesson.)
The near future and the near past are used to express actions that are directly related to the present. They are thus differentiated from the future simple and the past tense.
- Je vais aller en France l’année prochaine (les démarches pour aller en France sont déjà en cours) / I am going to France next year (the procedures to go to France are already in progress)
- J’irais en France l’année prochaine (je n’ai pas encore commencer les préparatifs). / I would go to France next year (I haven’t started the preparations yet).
As their names suggest they are used to describe an action close in time to the present moment.
- Je viens d’acheter une maison. / I just bought a house.
- Je vais aller aux toilettes après la leçon. / I’m going to go to the bathroom after the lesson.
How to form near future and near past?
The near past The past tense is made up of the verb “venir” conjugated in the present and the infinitive of a second verb. If it conjugates itself it is used in both forms:
Verbe venir (présent) + verbe infinitif
- Je viens d’acheter un cours de français génial. / I just bought an awesome French course.
The near future is formed from the verb aller in the present tense and the infinitive of a second verb. If it conjugates itself it is used in both forms:
Verbe aller (présent) + verbe infinitif
- Je vais aller au cinéma ce weekend. / I am going to the cinema this weekend
- Je vais faire un tour au Parc Astérix. / I’m going to take a trip to Parc Astérix.
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Other Resources: French Language Exercises, Columbia edu